Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Our week has been off to quite an interesting start. As you can see, my precious baby Roxy had an accident. While jumping off the bed, she dislocated her hip. While yesterday was quite traumatic, she is doing much better today. She is handling life on three legs much better. However, she is still quite UNHAPPY about not being allowed to sleep in the bed anymore. Last night she sat and barked at me as if to say "mommy did you forget about me?" She goes back to the vet on Friday to see about removing the bandage. Let's keep our fingers crossed!
Oh--and I found a SNAKE in our closet. Although it was only about 8" long, it looked to me to be a "copperrattlemoccasin"--but John assured me I was overreacting and that is was a garden snake. Nobody was injured in the removal of the snake from the house. Hopefully, the rest of the week will be rather boring for us.